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Our Practice


We evaluate and treat all ages infant through geriatic with compassion, knowledge and efficiency. The family is an integral part in the recovery process and we believe in full care-giver/ family education and participation. We primarily serve our population at the clinic but in some instances we provide home health services.

If we are unable to provide services we will insure that you get connected with another skilled provider.

We treat all disorders with knowledge and skill. All licensed personnel is supervised consistently.


If you are in need of information, or have any questions about Speech and Language services we would like to hear from you. You are welcome to send us a message, or call us at anytime.

We strive to return messages and phone calls within 24 hours or less.

Si necesita informacion o tiene preguntas acerca de servicios de terapia del habla y lenguaje, nos gustaria saber de usted. Usted puede mandar un mensaje o hablarnos a cualquier hora.
Respondemos mensajes y llamadas en menos de 24 horas.

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